Life and Personal Accident Insurance
We have got the great insurance solutions to motivate your employees to be loyal to your company. Our professional insurance advisers (phone: +372 383 8118, email: info@inpro.ee) will help you find the most suitable solution that is beneficial to both parties. Motivated and satisfied employees guarantee a successful business. The opportunity for self-realization, challenge and motivation ensure the interest of employees in the company's goals and their fulfillment. It is important for each company that investments in the development of a valuable employee are beneficial in the long run.
Inpro Insurance offers life and/or accident insurance for your company employees, which helps the company to cover the costs of the loss of an employee and at the same time to provide financial support to the employee's relatives. Loan insurance helps the employee's family if he or she can no longer be a loan payer. The main insurance cover of a life insurance policy is death benefit.
This is an indicative premium rate, which depends primarily on the chosen sum insured and the age of the insured. The payment may also be affected by the insured person's state of health, high-risk occupation or pursuit of extreme hobbies. For more information, contact our specialist by phone: (+372) 383 8118, email: info@inpro.ee
None of us is protected against accidents, but we can protect ourselves against the troubles related to them. Inpro Insurance offers the opportunity to combine an accident insurance package in accordance with your company and its employees needs by the following types of compensation:
Death indemnity – intended to help the loved ones of your employee
Permanent disability indemnity – the consequences of an accident can be very serious. Permanent disability indemnity helps to ensure a dignified life and maintain your employees previous standard of living
Indemnity of treatment expenses – if after an accident your employee requires medical rehabilitation, dental care or mobility support devices (such as crutches, joint support, etc.), this insurance cover is indispensable
Daily allowance benefit – intended to preserve the monthly level of your employees income following an accident
Indemnity for pain and suffering – of help in the case of temporary damage to health.
Part-time insurance – valid at work during working hours only
Full-time insurance – valid worldwide, 24/7