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Yacht & Motorboat Insurance in details

Writer's picture: Inpro InsuranceInpro Insurance

Small boat insurance guarantees the protection of your boat or yacht in case of unexpected and unforeseen events. Yacht & Motorboat Insurance offers protection in situations where your watercraft is in the water, launched or taken out of the water, transported on a trailer or when it is moored at a quay. Whether it is an unexpected technical failure, collision or theft, our insurance guarantees your peace of mind.

Yacht and Motorboat Insurance | Inpro Insurance |
Yacht and Motorboat Insurance | Inpro Insurance |

Real life samples:

Example A

The yacht took part in the race, at the end of which the yacht headed towards the port. The shallows in the port were not properly marked and the yacht was damaged. The extent of the damage was over €18,000

Example B:

While moored in port, the yacht's engine stopped working. Although the yacht was successfully moored, the stern of the yacht was damaged during the maneuver. In addition, during mooring under the influence of the wind, the yacht collided with a boat standing by the quay, causing damage of over €9,000

What can we learn from this?

  • Safety comes first: Safety regulations must always be followed and risks assessed.

  • Preparation counts: Before traveling to a new place, you need to do thorough research.

  • Technical maintenance is important: Regular maintenance can prevent unexpected technical problems.

  • Experience helps: Adequate experience and skills help prevent accidental damage.

  • Small boat insurance is essential: It is important to have proper insurance to protect your property, ask for a quote > here.

Yacht or Motorboat owner's memo

A. Check the technical condition of your small boat before every trip

B. Follow the rules of water traffic and be aware of the movement of other watercraft

C. Monitor the weather forecast and sea conditions


Yacht and Motorboat Insurance | Inpro Insurance |
Yacht and Motorboat Insurance | Inpro Insurance |

What to pay attention to when concluding a small boat insurance policy?

The length of the contract period is three (3) months to one (1) year

Make sure you choose the right insurance territory (Baltic Sea, Estonian inland waters or Europe). If necessary, there is a possibility to expand the area of the territory

The amount of the insurance payment does not change if you choose to pay in installments

Hovercraft, ice sails, hydrocopters, hydrofoils and jet skis cannot be insured

Insuring a wooden boat requires separate coordination with the insurer's risk manager

About 75% of damage cases are caused by collisions and collisions, and mostly the engine and the engine leg are damaged, so before signing a small boat insurance contract, pictures of the engine and its leg must be taken

When insuring a small boat, we recommend taking out liability insurance for the owner of the small boat.

It is also possible to insure only the liability insurance of the owner of the small boat.

What photos are required to conclude a small boat insurance contract?

  • Registration number, identification mark

  • Bow and left barre

  • Stern and starboard

  • Underwater part (front and back, left and right side)

  • Control panel

  • Engine, engine installation type (inside or outside), engine number, in the case of an outboard motor, also the leg, gearbox, propeller blades

  • Ignition keys and anti-theft system controls

  • Insurable standard equipment

  • Insurable additional equipment

  • If the small ship has damage, all the damaged areas will be to be photographed separately

Yacht and Motorboat Insurance | Inpro Insurance |
Yacht and Motorboat Insurance | Inpro Insurance |

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