Insurance solutions for e-residents (Estonia)
As soon as your request is received, we will analyse the risks associated with activity of your company and provide you with a choice of insurance solutions from which you can choose the most suitable. Ask for an offer now, write to us: or send an inquiry using "request quote" button.
We offer an individual approach to each client, offering insurance solutions according to the needs, requirements and possibilities of each specific e-resident company.
Estonia is the first country in the world which offers e-Residency, a government-issued digital identity and status that provides access to Estonia’s transparent business environment: a new digital nation for the world.
E-resident entrepreneurs from all over the world can start an EU-based company and manage business entirely online from anywhere in the world.
There are quite a few e-residents among Inpro Insurance's clients and we know their insurance needs very well. Most of our clients work in the IT sector or provide various kinds of consulting services, but there are also industrial companies, Amazon sellers, accounting and legal companies.
Professional liability insurance is for those undertakings which operate in a specific field and whose field of activity requires specific professional training, qualifications, attestation, or regulation of a specific professional association and umbrella organization. Professional liability insurance can protect mainly those professions where the damage is not caused by direct activities (construction, hairdressing, etc.), but by errors in calculations, non-observance of deadlines, or other errors for which the injured party does not have the ability and competence to prevent damage. The selection of compulsory professional liability insurance covers the following professional activities and activities:
Distressed & Complex Professional Indemnity
Recruitment (HR)
Auditors, accountants, trustees in bankruptcy
Real Estate & Property
Rail & Transport
Travel Agencies
Building Surveyors
Architects & Engineers
Design & Construct (Including Fire Safety and Cladding)
SME/Mid Market & Corporate Cyber & Technology Risks
Professional Firms
SaaS Firms
Software Developers
Gaming Developers
Technology Consultancy (explore in details)
Financial Institutions (PI & D&O)
Asset / Investment Managers
Mortgage Providers
Banks & Challenger Banks
Directors & Officers
Any Risk (National or Global, explore more in details)
More info regarding professional indemnity insurance: in blog
General civil liability is a type of liability insurance that covers general, legal liability directly related to economic activities, both to third parties and to its customers, in case of personal injury or property damage.
For their clients - a client slipping in the office, the client's property destroyed during the repair work, the tenant's office equipment damaged by a broken water pipe,
unexpected damage to the customer at the construction site, etc.
For third parties - for example, snow falling from the building
used for the site, damage to the office downstairs caused by the
rupture of the pipeline, property of the person damaged by the
construction activity outside the construction site, etc.
Product liability is a specific type of liability insurance that is required if a defect in the production process or activity occurs only after the product, service, or activity has been handed over to the consumer. Losses are also covered if the product consumed by the company damages a third party. Operational and product liability covers the following products and services:
Wholesalers and retailers whose actions or errors in the safety and content of a product may lead to harm to the consumer of that product
Fuel dealers whose poor quality fuel causes damage to the vehicle
Car repair shops that need protection if the repaired vehicle shows the damage that has actually started from the repair work after it has been handed over to the customer
Catering operators whose food offered to consumers may cause harm
Employer's liability insurance is for those companies that do their best to ensure that nothing happens to their employees while working. However, the possibility must be taken into account that one or another bad coincidence may cause damage to the employee in the performance of his / her duties due to the occurrence of a risk falling within the sphere of influence of the employer. Employer's liability insurance covers the employer's liability in the event of an employee's injury. Occupational diseases may also be included under this insurance cover.
The purpose of the Directors and Officers Liability insurance is to provide cover for a company’s executives against claims arising from their decisions taken. The persons insured include natural persons, i.e. the company’s management board members, executives, supervisory board and other persons related to management decisions. And the company against whom a claim is filed in connection with a management board member’s activity is also insured. Proved damage and legal expenses are compensated for.
Why should I take out Directors and officers liability insurance:
It covers the personal financial risk of a member of the management board where the latter is liable for their activity with their personal property
It helps the company find funds for covering damage arising from managerial mistakes (a claim filed against a member of the management board may significantly exceed the latter’s personal assets)
It provides an opportunity to raise the value of the management board member motivation package
It gives a member of the management board a sense of security when making decisions and courage for taking risks
It allows covering legal aid expenses